Booking Information for Stainton Institute
Our calendar lists current bookings to help you assess availability. To proceed with a booking or for further enquiries, please fill out our contact form at the bottom of this page.
Please note a full deposit ahead of hall hire date is required for all bookings with cancellation date accepted subject to 2 weeks notice in advance of the booking made.
Booking Terms
Our Hiring Conditions must be followed. By paying your deposit, you agree to abide by them. Download them here.
A deposit is required to reserve most bookings. All charges are at the discretion of the Stainton Institute Committee.
Please note that there are rubbish collection bin facilities underneath at the undercroft for users. All users are expected to leave the hall in the condition they would expect to find it.
Hall users are required to read and follow our Health and Safety, Safeguarding, and Environmental Policies.
For a high-quality fully inclusive venue for your next event, from Weddings, Anniversary’s, Birthdays celebrations to children’s parties, contact us today to check availability and make a booking. We look forward to hosting your special occasion at Stainton Institute.
Please find below all our policies related to the organisation and management of the Stainton Institute community hall.